After the highlights of my blog yesterday were read to Mr. Obama, he responded during the deficit meeting, "Enough is enough!" He repeated what I had written, "...everyone is more interested about posturing, political position and protecting their base." He claimed he wasn't interested in "a short term fix" and "at the risk of bringing down his presidency" he was holding his ground and he walked out.

What a show!
The war is over folks. We lost a long time ago when we failed to maintain a budget—when we spent more than we had, to provide what we wanted, not what we needed. We've grown up on a diet of prime rib, 55" flat screens TVs, Smart Phones... and stupid politicians. We can't have everything we see and want. We can have, however, everything we work for.
Now, there is a campaign promise, a bumper sticker worth honking for and an idea worth rallying around. Let's all work for what we need. Seems I'm on a roll here. But isn't that just like a politician? Slight of hand, a little mis-direction. Don't focus on the problems, move on to "change."
And talk about mis-direction and shifting focus—Tim Pawlenty made a statement early this week about Bachmann's record in congress, claiming, "her contribution in Congress is non-existent." When Bachmann was asked to respond to Pawlenty's remark, she—as she often does when asked a question she doesn't want to answer—said, " focus in not on negativity." Obviously her focus was not on answering the question and/or making a difference. Her focus is on getting elected, not solving problems.
I am looking more and more like a real candidate everyday, talking badly about the political adversaries and my promises of a brighter future while disowning yesterday's problems. Yes, we need change. We need to change the way we have dealt with the problems created in the past. We need to quit doing the things that created today's problems and start doing the things that will fix them rather than move on to bigger and better—whoa! make that bigger and worse problems. If what we did yesterday didn't work, doing more of the same thing today is not going to make it better!
Yes sir, I'm sounding more and more like a candidate everyday. Your future is in your hands. Do something about it because if you don't, they will.
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